
Hold on just a second, let me go put Jimi on...ah, there, much better. Well, we both know it's been far too long with no writings...Last time I did this was September...damn; but, look what can happen in 6 months. Different job, different cars, different women, different perspectives...So much has happened in the time that has passed...that fucking deer Halloween night, a pretty good family Thanksgiving, having to watch Megan and her first ever boyfriend (Mr. Ballarino) visit the house, going to ALL of the Mountaineer football home games this year, a great stop in Hotlanta with true Southern Belles on the way to Jacksonville, FL and Gator Bowl trip II, a surprise season at Snowshoe yet again, got ridiculous fast and ridiculous high on skiis, me a Sushi Chef, yeah, I know...who would would have ever thought in 5 million years I would be a fucking Sushi Chef..., no mas Ana, watching the Mountaineer basketball team in Motown beat UMass on their way to the NIT championship, getting to see all three of my "bras" (Dawg the Bounty Hunter) together which hadn't happened in years, drove my Subaru until the wheels fell off literally...very proudly at 201,800some miles, and now here we are 2 days away from my Mom's birthday. I have a siesta of about 6 weeks now that are totally free, and I think I'm gonna road trip it. I was on top of a mountain

OK...that said, moving on...I didn't have an Ipod for most of the season this year so when I was out skiing everyday I had a lot of time to do a lot of thinking. I also took that time to get back in touch with myself and figure things out in my life. I've still got a couple more months to go, but I again have a purpose, and again have a goal of something to work towards. I think I took the most comfort in finding those. But, to be real for a second, don't ever forget that tomorrow is not guaranteed. Every day, I woke up and strapped on my boots and skis before going to work...and I stood on the edge of Cupp Runn and at other times at the top of Western Shay's Revengeand got to look out upon three valleys carved out by glaciers millions of years ago and were once great river beds...and EVERY day it took my breath away. I didn't realize it then, but those moments every day were when I was at the most peace. Everything for miles was laid out before me and the slope was always free of congestion. I always said my thanks to the Big Guy uptairs for giving me that moment and giving me another day and then proceeded to tear down Cupp balls-to-the-wall in total communion with my skis and the trail. I am happy again, and I didn't find it in a woman...I found it in myself. It feels good to write again; I am sure there will be more to follow in the days ahead. However, tonight's ride on the midnight express has pulled into the station and Jimi has put his guitar back in his case. A good night to you all.