Not your normal chocolate factory

Monday, September 18, 2006

Tides ebb and flow...always moving...always changing

Joe Holland and company:

I have only enjoyed my time here at Joe Holland. I want to thank each and every one of you for taking the chance on me when I was hired. I have enjoyed selling cars, and, for the most part, enjoyed working with my peers. Coming out of the final interview, I had very high hopes for the things that I could accomplish here. For whatever reasons, I have been met with resistance when introducing new concepts or ideas to my superiors. There have been certain questions raised about my productivity, and for this I am puzzled. In my short time here, I have sold more than 30 units, and looking at last months numbers, I had 12 sales on 39 ups. That put me second in efficiency for the department behind a very capable Craig Milgram. I was also told today that we “wouldn’t be doing” the new Ebay concept I have tried to bring in to this dealership. Undeterred, I still handed my skeleton of a proposal to Joe Lothes that had a reasonable amount of market research performed. This news comes on the heels of being told my Saturday privileges have been revoked and that I could no longer attend Mountaineer football games.

It was solely my fault that I was not here until 3 on Friday. I first got sick Tuesday night and thought I could make it to the game and be back in time to work, but the combination of multiple antibiotics knocked me out. I don’t have time to do much else in my life, but the Mountaineers are one passion that I have. Taking that away from me erased everything for which I had worked. I know that I could have a family here, and most people here have been open in their reception of me, so it is with regret that I am informing you that I have been offered a General Manager’s position with a different company. This position will be salaried and also comes with a substantial amount of stock along with part ownership in the company, which will enable me to participate in the profit sharing at the end of the year, along with receiving a yearly dividend; it will include holidays off, and also comes with three weeks paid vacation. Through various comments and suggestions, I have tried to take the dealership, and what parts I have been exposed to, and move them into the 21st century. Taking this new position will allow me to get the hands-on experience I need running a business, and I feel I can put both my ideas and my Degrees to better use in this new capacity.

I do thank you for this learning opportunity. It was unfortunate that the altercation with Bobbie had to happen within the first three days I was here, but it made me much stronger as a person for swallowing my pride and taking the higher road, and I have learned a lot about the nature of the business as a result. I will work the rest of my time here productively and carry on the Joe Holland reputation even after my time here has expired. I would like to have a favorable recommendation by Joe Holland to any future employers that may call. With this said, I am hereby notifying you of my 2 weeks, and pledging to continue to do my job until the last hour of the last day. Once again, it is with thanks that I say these things. The Lord always provides for you, even if it isn’t in ways you might expect. God Bless you all.

With the utmost sincerity,

Shawn Amory

So yeah, that was my 2 weeks notice I put in on Saturday. It's off to Morgantown for me. Co-Owner and General Manager of DP Dough's, here I come. It's almost time for SNOW again!!!



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