Chill out a little Kemosabe
Seems the last blog or two have stirred up quite the buzz amongst my friends. Comments ranging from, "Wow, that's really dark" to "Dude, she doesn't deserve that" to "Girls are out there..there will always be more..." and so on. I appreciate everyone's feedback. These are the thoughts going through my head, though, and expressing them through writing has served to be some therapy for me. I know that I have to move on, that there are brighter things ahead. But before I could do that I had to give her her proper place. She will always be with me and was there through some very hard times for me...she deserves all that and more.
I am leaving for Atlanta tomorrow and it will be a while before I have internet access in my apt; but I'll get it as soon as I can. I have an interview on Tuesday with an advertising firm, and it looks to be right down my alley professionally. There is a lot of uncertainty in my life right now, but I do know I am supposed to be in Atlanta and good things will happen for me down there. The hardest thing about going back is leaving everyone I know. You're only the new guy for so long though, then everything starts to click.

All of a sudden thoughts of freshman year and Doney have flooded back. George and the AIDS, Jay and Ted keepin their beds together, Febreez'ing Drunkie's room on a daily basis, parties in the cave, Big Burgy, the infamous water vs. fire battle (I thought using WD-40 as a torch was a particularly brilliant idea to counter the super soakers) my speakers being banned from the BUILDING, the "guys from 3rd floor" that kept coming down and dumping our trash cans all through the hall, Eli's sex bed...I could go on and guys all know who ya are...We defined what it meant to do it up Wesleyan style...

The grass is always greener on the other side...or is it???
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